
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

my achey breaky knees

I woke up today and went to the gym. Why? Because Jillian is not for those with old ski injuries. My knees are killing me. Between the workout, the injuries, ans standing on cement at work all day, its becoming a challenge to kneel and get up. So I took inventory and decided that I like being able to sit on the floor, do yoga lunges and play sports in the sun better than Jillian's methods. So I did three times as much cardio in the exact same amount of time the workout usually takes, and I feel good about it. I'm not saying I quit, because, as I always say, quitting is for quitters. I do need to find different modifications for the jumps, however. I now Em is going through the same thing and then some, so I'm not alone!
New drama at work yesterday...I really don't wanna go in today....
Love you ladies!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Ok, ladies, I have to admit, I have strayed a little. Not totally, but a little, Ive replaced the shred the past three days with cardo yoga. Im sorry!! Ill go back to Jillian tomorrow, but my knees were taking a beating, and all the jumping we do in this level was not helping. But I HAVE been working out!
I havent noticed anything fitting better or any loss of weight, but I have noticed huge changes in how mu muscles feel. My arms, abs and legs feel really tight and great! Now if I could just lose some fat...more cardio. Ive also been looking into a Yoga Diet, which is interesting, albiet expensive, so we'll just have to see.
In other news, Im VERY happy to be starting my lifeguarding job on May 29th (yay!!) and I feel really good about where I am (except for two things: not seeing my friends as often as Id like, and the lack of fat loss so far in this workout), but Im feeling great besides that, and I hope you are too!!!
Im considering adding the 30 mins of cardio yoga to the 20 mins of shred...that should put some stuff into serious motion...now if I could just get my ass outta bed early enough...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

up to date

I have cheated. And Im not even sorry. In my defense, I have maybe ONE day a week where I can sleep in. MAYBE. So when I get that chance, I take it. I have also decided that i have to work out in the am, or all hell breaks loose. AND Ive decided that my knees are too bad to constantly stay faithful to Jillian. BUT Ive noticed my arms, abs and legs getting more steel-like, and therefore have become addicted to SOME sort of physical strain during my day. One more thing you should know, I have a cardio yoga workout that is very effective. SO, all those things combined, when I cant do our shred, rest assured I am doing an equivalent with less impact.
But I did get up and do Level Two today, and I still laugh watching Jillian do the jumps in circuit 3. I am still doing the same thing where I either keep doing the last thing or start the new thing right away instead of stopping and waiting for her.
Ive noticed, thanks to yoga, pilates and jillian, that standing lunges are getting really easy! Hooray!!
Ive also noticed that pole dancing is getting easier. Not just perfecting moves, but being able to do it longer!! Another Yay!!!!Keep it up ladies!!! As long as we're doing SOMEthing, it counts!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

sweet heaven

I started Level Two today. This level, I will fondly refer to as the Ballet, or Richard Simmons Level. You will understand when you do the cardio. Jesus. Talk about more challenging. I thank Yoga for me even getting through it this first time. I thank the caramel kisses I had ten minutes before for the mega side cramps midway through. I REALLY need to keep my workout time in the morning. No can do in the afternoon, Ive discovered. SO! Lesson learned. For those of you starting Level Richard Simmons soon, let me know how you do...Stupid Jillian. OH! And I had to stop to laugh during circuit three, on account of her looking TOTALLY retarded during the jump ropes. HA!!!

In other news, I have big plans for my life!! I got a summer job as a lifeguard!! YAY!! Ill be outside!! And not waiting tables!!! And not hating everything!!! AND!!! My plans for the winter are to work at a mountain doing either lifts or instructing!!! YAY!!! What a perfect lifestyle for me!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

almost there

Im going to start off by saying, I am very ready to start Level 2 on Thursday. Happy Day 9!!! I can say this because its only the ladies who read this (and for any men, I suggest skipping to the next part), but I discovered that exercise regulates your time of month! Im on the pill, so the DAY i start is always the same, but when I do yoga or anything physical, I start on the Tuesday morning. When Ive been a slacker, I might not start till later that evening, or even on Wednesday, and lets face it, extra days=extra worrying. So thats nice :)

The past few days Ive been modifying my workouts. For one, I cant stop fr those three seconds that Jillian stops between cardio, so I just jump right into the next set, instead of waiting around. If i stopped, even for that short time, it gets hard to start again. So i don't. Another thing Ive done is replace those weird squat punch things in cardio 2 with more jacks or some high knees, to keep my heart rate up. Jason used the weights to do the punches, which is a good idea also. I also do my own cool down (usually involving yoga). This way I'm getting more cardio (which I think i need, see below) and I can get stretched the way I need.
As for cardio, due to my uncontrollable addiction to chocolate and pizza, I don't lose weight very fast. I can definitely see and feel a muscular difference. Ive got the lines back on my thighs, and my arms look really nice, and my abs are getting rock hard. Unfortunately, nobody can see the abs part....so, since I know dieting is just too much to ask :) I'm upping the ante with cardio. We'll see if that helps...I think a diet is doable, but for me, the later in the day, the tougher it is...here's a sample menu for a typical Chelsea Day:
Breakfast: 1/2 a bowl of Kashi Go Lean cereal, toast with peanut butter
I drink water all day at work, with the occasional bite or two (really, that's it) of food in the back, when its available.
I come home, and the trouble starts. Lunch could be anything from more cereal to 1/2 a pizza, or Chinese.
Later in the night maybe ice cream, maybe more peanut butter toast.
The inconsistency I think is what kills me. on a good day I'm very very good, but when it rains.... cant lose weight.

Food for thought :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Congratulations, everyone!!! One week today :)
I woke up today at 8:30, which is when I set my alarm. I promptly fell back asleep. Its easy to do. So I went to work without a workout. The promise of an evening shred hung in the air. I completely felt the difference!! I knew I felt better during the day with the workout in the morning, but I didnt know how much. Blech!! Not only does my day feel better when I do this in the am, but I decided that I dont like working out in the afternoons. I already have 1/2 a day under my belt, and, unless Ive had a bad day, I dont feel like I NEED the exercise and its more effort when I do. Needless to say, today's workout was
an eye opener...but I did it!! and I'm feeling good about starting Level 2 in three days!! Jason and I put in Rodrigo Y Gabriella instead of the audio options on the DVD, and it make a HUGE difference!!
Today was good. I did my workout, I went to work and tried to make money, I was informed of what a LOA was, and I just might take one, and im doing math later...well, maybe "good" was not the word I wanted...lets go with "productive"
Happy week!! Stay strong!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

day 6, oh yeah!

happy day 6!!
today I woke up and did my yoga first, as I was still pretty stiff from my zzz time :) The cats and I very much enjoy our yoga time together!
I bought hand weights last night...and my thoughts on these 2 lb additions are two-fold: One: they make quite a difference!! I feel like I got a complete workout this time and I bet Ill be sore tomorrow for the first time since day 2!! And Two: they make circuit one a big pain in the ass. BUT!!! BUT!! BUT!!!! I did not quit ONCE today!!!! And it feels great! Even with the added weights, I didnt feel the life-threatening need to stop!!! Hooray!!! Now if I could just work on doing push ups the non-girly way...